Sunday, April 17, 2011

For A Laugh

Because I am sick, because I found this funny and because I always like a funny on a Sunday...

My first thought after laughing was...Well I have to say I've not seen a "Beware of Lion" sign at my local store before so I guess the "Beware of Dog" was as good as they could do.  My second thought was...Or did they just not think to warn against the lion?!?! Who knows maybe the lion is more friendly. ;)


Stephanie Buice said...

Sick? Ick! I am so sorry you are feeling yucky. I'll be thinking of you and hope you are feeling better soon my dear. Sending warm sunshine and a huge hug your way.

Tamara said...

Thanks Steph! I am more thank sick of being sick. I will take that warm sunshine and the huge. Miss you tons!!!! :)