Sunday, April 19, 2009

Chicken Soup and Lots of Rest

I have a cold! I'll say now that I find them to be pretty much the most annoying things on the planet. I'm getting plenty of rest, cold medicine, and soup. This has also left me with hours to fill since getting outside to enjoy the weather is not an option. The view has been great. Kayaks, sailboats and one of my personal favorites, tugboats, have been busy in the harbor all weekend.
To me Tugs are strong and look as though they can handle anything that comes at them. I see them push through wind storms that blow through the Straits here in the winter pulling their cargo behind them. They symbolize never giving up to me.

I've also been busy in my scrap room. I need to finish a few pages in a mini album I've been working on for a friend. Those will have to wait until the cold fog clears from my brain. As it is right now I might end up journaling about what I had for breakfast instead of the photo on the page! ;) So I'm sticking to cards for now. They are easier to fix if I get too "creative" in my cold fog and also easier to work on between naps.

1 comment:

Squirrel said...

Beautiful beautiful beautiful! LOVE your cards!
I hope you've got rid of the cold by now {hugs}