Here it is with most of the furniture in place. Notice I said most. Now that I have the desk and bookcase in the room I've realized I'd like another one, possibly two, of the smallest ones and have room. My scraproom is in the smallest of the bedrooms in our home and now it feels spacious. I have carpet to vacuum and I have! lol This bookcase grouping is very affordable from IKEA and so I don't feel guilty going back for two more. Enough of alll that...let me show you around.
As you enter the door this is what you see.

You see that I have a bit of an addiction to all things Coca~Cola and I use those containers to organize in as well as set a theme for the room. I also adore the color apple green. The bookcase against the wall hold the newest of my pattern papers, felt shapes, fabric, magazines, shaped papers, punches, chipboard, glitters, flocks and cards already made ready to be mailed when needed.

If you turn to the left this is what you will see next. My new desk attached to another of those IKEA bookcases. Here more Coca~Cola containers hold diecuts, tools, inks, flowers, colored pencils and pens. The shelf you see hanging on the wall is also from IKEA. I loved the idea that it had drawers in it. I needed a shelf and combining it with more storage was just a genius idea...thank you IKEA! One drawer holds journalling tags and the other hold the dies for my Revolution. The dresser in the corner doesn't quite fit with all the IKEA white in the room however I can't see it go as its been in my family for almost 170 years. I keep mailing supplies and wrapping paper stored in the drawers.

On the right side of the room you see these closets from IKEA again. (yes, I have an IKEA addiction.) Inside are rubber stamps, clear stamps, photos, Xyrons and other various supplies. The shelves in between my husband built to fit the gap. That is where cardstock and ribbon is kept by color.

Here is a close up of that desk I cannot wait to get to work at. So excited I tell ya!!! One last thing, see that big jar on top? That's an idea I got when I was in Alabama in Stephanie's scraproom. She has a much larger jar with the most adorable round pins and ribbon wrapped around them. I had to use regular pins however the idea is the same and for all those $1.00 ribbons that are multi colored this is a great way to store them.